Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I'm not sure how long I'll keep this up, but I'm attempting to join the blogosphere. I figure this will give me a forum in which to rant and let scattered friends and (former) neighbors keep up with my exciting life.

As the title implies, I'll probably do a lot of blogging on books and baseball -- two of my passions. In addition, I'll probably do a good bit of ranting about the frustrations of teaching economics and statistics to community college students. This will be a learning process, but one day I may even advance to the level where I can add things like pictures. Yes, I'm sure that's a simple process, but keep in mind that I don't even own a cell phone. Have patience!

Please feel free to leave comments if something I say tickles your funnybone, gravely offends you, or just reminds you of something else.

I'll try to get a real post up tomorrow so you'll have something to read. In the meantime, I'll tell you the amusing (perhaps) story that led to my blog title. A few years ago I took a road trip with a friend (shout out to Ginger) to Georgia to rescue a lost beagle. Since this was a LONG trip, we had time to chat. Ginger told me about a game she and some of her friends played where each person has to come up with the three things they are most passionate about (couldn't count family or anything like that). Well the first two were easy for me, but I couldn't come up with a third. I think my difficulty, in part, was due to my love of alliteration. It just seemed wrong not to have another B-word. Problem was, I couldn't think of another B I love -- beets (nope, hate them), The Beatles (nope, think they're overrated), baklava (nope, I always confuse that with balaclava and I'd hate to end up blogging about yummy winter headwear), beverages (well, there ARE some beverages I could wax poetic about), ... Regardless, I'm leaving the third B open. Feel free to suggest a candidate.


At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As one who counts herself among your "scattered friends," I suggest "Beer" for your third "B." Your adoring fans might be interested to know that you brew your own ale. P.S. Blogging has turned into books for other bloggers. Just a thought.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that someone beat me to my suggestion of Beer. Here's the second vote! So, wax on, Oh Poetic One! Another suggestion might me Brew, you know coffee or beer. Baseball, Books and Brew...hmm? Maybe not. By the way "St. Caffiene" is an apt name.

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Count me in for Beer. seems the obvious choice... heh, heh...

Thanks for the shout out. It's nice to know that I can make a real difference in someone's life hehehehhehehe


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