Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Take me out to the ballgame

Last night I headed over to my old stomping grounds to go to a Huntsville Stars game. Fortunately we won 5-0, but it wasn't a sharp game.

I did get something from the game though -- a reminder of how much more enjoyable baseball games would be without other folks around! Yes, I know teams need to draw fans, but I think there should be some sort of literacy test required to gain admission to a baseball game. For instance, "Can you explain the infield fly rule?" I don't think there is a Constitutionally guaranteed right to baseball, though the Constitution is a living document. Hmm, maybe Ted Kennedy can ask John Roberts about that. Forget Roe v. Wade and environmental protections, I want to know whether literacy tests at ballparks are Constitutional!

Though they might not pass muster, they are sorely needed. I've never wanted to pull out my smiting stick as much as I did last night. What brought this on? There was a group of frat boys at the ballpark. Given that statement I realize an additional explanation is not needed, but ...

Since the crowd was so small (and it was $1 beer night), they felt the need to (I'll be polite) draw attention to themselves. They did that quite well. Evidently all they wanted to do was drink beer and yell. They yelled at the Stars players. They yelled at the Bay Bears players. They yelled at each other. They even verbally assaulted the little girl who participated in the
base race with Homer the mascot. I think the actual quote was, "Sandy, you suck!" What they did not seem to do was pay any attention to the actual baseball game. I don't imagine a single one of them knew the final score at the end of the game. Yes, I know I have a different view of the sanctity of baseball than most, but it's my blog so deal with it.

Regardless, this was only the third Stars game I've made it to this year and it was pretty much ruined by a group of obnoxious boobs. Why do people get the urge to engage in group behavior that they'd never do own their own? Yes, I know the standard answer to that, but it's annoying. On the bright side, the Bay Bears first base coach did toss a foul ball to Judy (the wife of the couple I was there with). I thought that was nice of him and Judy even said "thank you" to the man. I'd let her into games.

Okay, that's two baseball posts. I promise I'll do a book post next week.


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you...accosting little girls at baseball games...very bad karma! However, I cannot say that I'm surprised. I must have run into the same bunch directly after the game...only this time they were accosting a little old couple. At least until the man clobbered one of them with his walking stick. Do they still tar and feather people?

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bay Bear game was a great time. But I din't realize you would not want to pass on your indepth knowlege of the infield fly rule.


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