Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

How Handy Are You?

First, let me start with New Orleans and the MS Gulf Coast. I am just too saddened by all that is going on down there. It's not that I have nothing to say, it's just that anything I say seems inconsequential. Heck, they're still having trouble as far north as Jackson (so a reliable source tells me). Hence, I'm not even going to try. Lots of other folks are writing about the situation down there. If you can't find them, then you're not trying very hard.

Unfortunately today is a busy day for me. I don't really have time to do a well thought out post and nothing really caught my eye today anyhow. So, I'm going to take the cheap way out yet again and ask, "How handy are you?" Over the weekend I discovered a book that attempts to teach you how to do all the things you should know how to do by the time you're 30. Even though I suspect the sole purpose of this project was to make a bunch of 20-somethings feel completely and totally worthless, I thought it was a cool idea. Though I didn't buy the book and, of course, I no longer qualify for the "before 30" group, I was curious about what this particular writer thought I should have known a few years ago.

I'm proud to say that for a useless single guy, I did okay. Now my opinion of how to do some of these things may differ from the author's, but I think I could get by. I still may have to buy the book, though, because not only do I not know how, I did not know it was even possible to fold a fitted sheet (#21)! I start out trying to fold it, but by the end I'm usually satisfied with just wadding it up into a ball that I then try to squish down into something that resembles a folded sheet. That piece of knowledge alone has to be worth the price of the book. Heck, I could probably even find a wife if I were equipped with that knowledge!

Me: Want to go back to my place?
Her: Umm, I don't know, ...
Me: C'mon, I can fold a fitted sheet.
Her: Woohoo, let's get married!

That would have to be an improvement on my current encounters with females. Usually they go:

Me: Hello.
Her: I've got pepper spray!

Anyway, click here and scroll down to see the 30 things. See how you'd do. Mind you, I'll call you a liar if you tell me you already know how to fold a fitted sheet!


At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me a liar if you must but I've known how to fold a fitted sheet for at least a year =). The last part of this post alone could find you a wife. Since I've known you I've always thought you funny but that takes the cake!

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to take issue with the list. Changing a car battery should at least rank a #27. Bzzz.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger St. Caffeine said...

Yeah, Ang, I agree. I don't, though, figure that Siobhan Adcock ever had to change a battery. Hence, she didn't think to put it on her list. I'm sure she'd just swoon if she saw some manly man do that for her.

BTW, good to have you back on board. I hope things are getting better down your way.


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