Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I got a Jeep!

It looks as though one of my childhood dreams is about to come true: I've (almost) got the Jeep!

I met up with Jeep Dude last night and we came to an agreement. The only snag in the plan was that he didn't actually have the title to the vehicle -- loan wasn't paid off. The first car I ever owned (a black cavalier with no AC and vinyl seats -- imagine that in Oxford, MS) was purchased the same way. In that case, however, the bank was local, so the resolution was easy. This time, however, the bank holding the title is in Rhode Island. So we made a deal last night, but we couldn't really finalize the deal.

Today, some good and some not so good news. He has talked to the folks in Rhode Island and we've REALLY made the deal, but for some reason neither of us understands, they require a physical check from him (in the mail) before they'll release the title. Until then I can't really do anything with the Jeep, but we came up with a plan whereby I am picking up the Jeep tonight and bringing it to Decatur and when the title comes in, Jeep Dude will sign it over to me. So I'm basically going to have the Jeep parked at my house, yet I won't be able to go out and "play".



At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the 'Falcon and now he has a Jeep. The world is not fair.

At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the big deal with Jeeps? I don't get it. They are really rinky-dink vechicles that you take the top off and go mudding in (long story)! Other than that they are kind of a nuisances. I don't understand the fascination.

On the other hand I'm glad you got what you wanted (sort of).

At 7:51 AM, Blogger St. Caffeine said...

Don't worry, Stella, I'll take you for a ride -- in the Jeep, not the Falcon; can't have Babylon 5 folks on there! Heck, you might even have to go get the hiking boots out of the attic.

Crystal, Crystal, Crystal, ...
"They are really rinky-dink vechicles that you take the top off and go mudding in."
So what don't you "get"?

At 10:10 AM, Blogger melusina said...

Well, congrats, I think! Hope it all goes through without a hitch.

I always wanted a Cherokee, or any other similarly situated vehicle. I am short in person, and big, tall cars are nice for my point of view. I can pretend I'm bigger than everyone else.


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