Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Holiday notes

Blogging has been light of late and it likely will be for the remainder of the week. I'll be headed to various feasts and will not be sharing the incipient horrors until next week. In the meantime, ...

I'm smack in the middle of 3 days of "professional development" (yes, those scare quotes are necessary). I think y'all know my feelings on this general concept, but some of the sessions yesterday were good. I picked up a couple of Word/Excel tips and I figured out how to solve a nagging PowerPoint issue that's been bugging me for quite some time. In addition, I attended a lecture on word origins and such. I found out some interesting stuff about the word "decide" that will make an appearance in my day one "What is economics?" lecture. We already read The Road Not Taken, but now I've got something new.

Bathroom progress is SLOW. The new subfloor is down, sheetrock is up, and everything has been painted. If the stars align, the new shower unit goes in today and I'm hoping the new floor covering goes down. If that happens, the only things remaining will be the reinstallation of the sink and toilet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Oh, I think I made a good move by going ahead and giving Builder Bob 6 bottles of my nut brown ale. He was most impressed and has indicated that he wants to start making beer. I'm hoping that'll make him want to keep me happy.

In a bit of tragic news, I'm sure y'all all saw the news of this horrific school bus crash in Huntsville. The area reaction has been surreal. Thailand Jeff's nephew attends Lee High School, but I have it on good authority he was not involved. Sad tale.

Well that's it for today. One more meeting to get through today, but that one involves food, so it can't be too bad. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Eat lots of turkey.


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