Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Into the wild

Yes it is spring break, but the weather is not being conducive to rambles in the wild. According to the trusty forecasters, it's either going to be stormy or too warm for comfortable camping all week. I did take the opportunity to sneak off to the woods for a few hours yesterday.

The primary focus of my search was a reputed abandoned house in the middle of a large, unnamed wilderness area near me. According to popular lore, it was at one time a regular old private residence. Somehow or another the land was never ceded to the government so it remains a private property enclave within the national forest. The home has been long abandoned, but it still serves as a camper's haven. Supposedly some local Boy Scouts clean it up about once a year.

I had heard the rumors for a few years and I even had an approximate location. Last week, though, I got some more detail and decided to seek it out. After a few false starts and wrong turns, I found it. It reminded me a whole lot of the abandoned bus in "Into the Wild" (book or movie). In fact there was a legal pad inside where visitors could sign in and record their thoughts. Someone had written a tribute of sorts to Alexander Supertramp -- dated long before the movie. Basically it's an old block house with several metal bed frames where you can spread your sleeping bag and crash for the night. There were beds enough for 5 or 6 campers, but plenty of floor space if you needed more room. Though I usually camp solo, I do want to try a night there. I am a little worried that the creaking of the rusty old windmill might remind me too much of too many horror films, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

After finding the house, I explored a bit more and found some nice waterfalls I hadn't been to before. I also ran across a beaver, though he was in the river and away before I could get my camera out. Speaking of that, I did get some okay pix, but I'm not able to post them right now.

Anyway, ... All-in-all, the trip was a big success, but I was a little disappointed in the end. I was trying to get to one rather famous set of falls, but I didn't make it. I got to within 1/3 of a mile, but the going was getting really rough and it was getting late. I found myself near a relatively easy way out of the canyon and I took it. I guess I'll save those falls for another day.

So what's on tap for the rest of spring break? I'm still toying with a trip to MS, but I don't know if that'll happen. Other than that, I plan to donate blood tomorrow and maybe get a tetanus shot. Do I know how to live it up or what?


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