Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Aww, a compliment

Teaching the same old stuff to students who don't care as much as I do sometimes gets old. Every once in a while, though, something good happens that picks me up.

Right now I have a particularly good student who is "dual enrolled." That is, she's a high school student, but she's taking some classes here to get a head start on college. Well this young lady went on a campus visit to an unnamed Ivy League school earlier this week and she got to sit in on a principles class up there. Today she was telling me about it and she claimed that the class there wasn't nearly as enjoyable or as informative as the class she's taking from me! [This is where you're supposed to say, "AWWW!"] Now she could have just been sucking up, but it was still a nice thing to hear. I might bring that up when it's time to sign next year's contract.


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww. That is so sweet.

At 1:44 AM, Blogger Vol Abroad said...

I'm sure it's true.


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