Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Small world

Every once in a while I'm reminded up just how small the world can be. What brought about this epiphany? Essentially it was Facebook. Some of you who know me well may be very surprised to learn that I have a Facebook account. In my defense, I feel that I was led to Facebook under false pretenses. I was told that ALL the Caffeine cousins use Facebook to keep in touch. Since I didn't have an account, well I was just missing out on much good family fun. Hence, I gave in and created an account. It turns out, though, that for the most part it's one cousin who spends a lot of time on Facebook. Now I love Cousin Sandee dearly so I don't mind the fact that I now am better able to keep up with her, but the whole Facebook thing has been pretty useless as far as I'm concerned.

Then weird things started to happen. An old college pal did track me down via FB and I thought that was kind of cool. Last week, though, I got a real blast from the past when I got a friend request from a name that stirred vague high school memories. Sure enough it was an old teammate from my high schol "nerd bowl" days. I finally got around to agreeing to be his "friend" and then I almost immediately got a request from another old high school friend who also went to Ole Miss with me. It turns out she works at a really small college in Louisville where I happen to know someone on the business faculty. Finally I had a FB message this morning from a girl (er, woman I guess now) that I sort of knew in high school, but never was friends with. She'd seen my TV appearance from a few weeks ago and just wanted to say "hey." I feel like I've moved back to Lawrenceburg.

Anyway, that's about it for today. I've got a bunch of tests to prepare for next week, so I'd best get to it.


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