Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A good day, for a change

I've been in a bit of a funk of late, but today has been a good day -- so far. Why, well I can think of a couple of reasons:

1. The St. Louis Cardinals are just about to clinch the NL Central title. Yes, I know that doesn't matter in the larger scheme of life, but it is important to me. Of course Carpenter failed to get his 22nd win last night, but I shouldn't complain about that.

2. The Gilmore Girls are back. Yes, I guess it's a chick show, but I like it A LOT! I won't spoil the seasaon opener for those of you who didn't see it last night, but it was pretty good. I think they're handling the proposal thing okay. I'm still not liking Rory very much, but I haven't really liked her since she went off to college. My mother once told me, in a fit of pique over some argument we were having, that she should never have let me go off to college. Yep, Ole Miss -- that bastion of liberalism -- ruined me. Anyway, ...

If you are watching the Gilmores, then you know why this makes me happy. If you're not watching the Gilmores, start next week! Seriously, it's a good show. I will admit that the banter gets a little too intense at times and Lorelai seems to be insanely well educated for someone who never had the opportunity to attend college, but I think it's one of the best shows on TV today. C'mon, how many Law & Orders and CSIs do we really need. Try something different.

3. I got a funny note in an email this morning. A friend, who shall remain nameless, sent me the following regarding yesterday's post (about book buying and price discrimination):

Quite educational. I enjoyed the refresher course on marginal utility. You are, though, a dork.

Though I think nameless friend was kidding (mostly), I have no problem with that accusation. It made me smile and a reason to smile always makes for a good day.


At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "dork" comment was priceless. I'm jealous that I didn't think of it myself.


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