Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Brrr, it's getting chilly

I absolutely LOVE the recent change in the weather! This is my very favorite time of the year. There is a chill in the air, the leaves are turning and/or falling, the whole world seems to be on the brink of change, battening the hatches before winter. Yep, I love it.

I am, though, a little concerned for the porch kitty in the coming months. I prepared him a sleeping box (as insulated as I could make it) and put it out on the porch, but I doubt he'll use it. Given his nature, I can't see him voluntarily being trapped in such a confined space. Still, if it gets cold enough ...

So anyway, I was on my way to work on this glorious 42-degree morning when I saw an amazing sight. I guess because of warm water and cold air, the TN River had a glorious coating of fog this morning. What was cool about it, though, is that the fog wasn't uniform. Instead, it looked as if someone had dotted little individual clumps of fog across the river. Viewed from above, it looked like a bunch of fluffy polka dots on the water. I immediately pulled into the marina and tried to capture the effect in a picture. Alas, it did not work. I'm not sure how effective my cheap little camera is at capturing fog patterns, but the biggest problem was that I was at water level rather than looking down from above. I really wanted the shot, but not enough to walk out onto the bridge to take the picture. Oh well, here's what I got.

That's all for today. Tomorrow I'll discuss my an issue that has been weighing heavily on me -- whether I can continue to eat Chinese food. I would get into it today, but I left the fortune cookies at home and I really have to get the wording just right.


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