Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Finally Friday

Many thanks to those of you who chose to respond to my call for advice. Oh, and shame on those of you who didn't. Now I have no illusions about the grand size of my reading audience, but I know a FEW more people read the third b. Still, there's time for your input if you'd like to voice and opinion. In reality, I know what I'll do. As the great philosopher H.I. McDonnough once said, "There's right and there's right and never the twain shall meet." Though I want the window, I just can't see myself using my ill gotten seniority to make it happen. I'll just have to take my chances in a fair method. Still, if you'd like to talk me out of that (please), give it a shot.

As for today, ... Well, today is Friday and I don't like to think too hard on Friday. Hence, no rant today. I am thinking I'd like to go see Elizabethtown. I'm sure it's a sappy, predictable story, but it's the kind of story I like once in a while. Plus, I hear that it's very similar to Garden State and I really liked that movie. Plus, since it is a Crowe movie, it's bound to make good use of music and I like that.

Still, the reviews are mixed. Roger Ebert gives it 3 stars (out of 4?), but the Christian Science Monitor gives it a disappointing C. I'm disappointed The New Yorker has not reviewed the film, but on the bright side, they have stopped using that inane response to an empty search (see archives, I don't feel like looking up the link). They now tell me, "Sorry, there are no results matching that search."

So, if any of you see it, give me your take. In reality, I know I won't go see it. I REALLY wanted to see Junebug and I never even got around to that. Oh well, maybe I'll just go to the Southern Wildlife Festival. Anyone need a mallard on black velvet? Seriously, though, I've seen some of the artists' work in the paper this past week or so and some of it looks pretty good.

Oh, in related news ... Mr. Mayor never called me back. I guess I'm just not that important.


At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the old adage "nice guys never win"? That's because they NEVER play the odds. I agree with Diane about the randomness. I'm all for doing what's right, saving face and not hurting the people around you but come on, Caff! Once in awhile you have to look out for your own interests. You can bet your patooty she would have used the advantage and not thought twice about it! Granted I don't know her but human nature being what it does that make you a freak of just a NICE GUY!


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