Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ahh, time off

Yes, blogging has been light this week as I'm officially on break. Mind you I've still been in the office half the time, but I didn't have to be here. So why have I been here? Well in part because I have nothing else to do and I have a nifty internet connection here, but mostly because I'm trying to get things ready for that blasted "distance learning" econ class I have to start teaching next week. Grr.

On the plus side, I have taken some fun time this week. Monday I took a trip to a new part of the Sipsey. I hit an area that I had not visited before, but I underestimated. I was planning a 5 mile or so hike, but I ended up going on an 8-10 mile trek. The weather was pretty good and the terrain wasn't too bad, but I did have to cross the Sipsey River twice without the aid of a bridge. See the Sipsey truly is "unimproved" for the most part and many of the trails cross one or more of the streams in the forest. A trail ends on one side of the river and starts again on the other. How you get over there is up to you. The first time I was able to find a large downed tree that I used to get across. The second time, though, I had no choice but to wade.

I looked and looked, but the "best" crossing I found still was almost waist deep. Fortunately I had my "zip off leg" hiking pants on so I was able to get across without soaking my clothing and the bottom was sandy so I didn't have to deal with bare feet on sharp rocks. I know it's May, but the Sipsey River water still is mighty cold on bare legs. In the end, though, I made it safely back with my worst injury being a tweaked hamstring. All-in-all a good day. Oh, I also found a new (to me) waterfall that was spectacular. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me so no pix.

Anyway, that was the highlight of the first part of the week. Thailand Jeff and I are going on a Nashville trip tomorrow and Friday, so I may have some good stories when I get back -- assuming I get back.

Oh, since I won't be blogging tomorrow, Happy (early) Anniversary to loyal reader, Ang.


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