Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Doing my part

As an economist -- especially one with a field in macro -- I understand the importance of economic growth. Hence, I feel it's my patriotic duty to spend some money and make sure the 2nd quarter slowdown doesn't continue. Actually that's all just a great big rationalization. I'm itching to buy some new hiking/camping equipment. What's on my wishlist?

The most crucial item is a new tent. This isn't the best one, but it's be most affordable one I've been able to find in the "under 5 pound" class. Plus, it's a Kelty and I trust them. I should have already made this purchase, but I've been putting it off all summer. Now's the time.

Slightly less vital, I want a new sleeping pad. I really hate to pay that much, but the Cabelas pad is a good bit cheaper than the fancy ThermaRest pad (and only a few ounces heavier). I currently use an old fashioned foam mat, but I'm getting too old for that. Sigh, it's true.

Those are two "must haves", in my opinion, but I've also got a good stock of "wants" as well: a new fleece pullover, a new pair of boots, etc. Nah, I'm probably not going to buy any of the "wants", but it's fun to pretend. I do, though, have the itch to get in the woods. If this sort of cool weather continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist the call of the Sipsey much longer. In reality, that's probably a month away, at least, but the possibility sure makes each day a little more pleasant. I need to call Cousin Kari!


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