Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekend notes

First off, a great big CONGRATULATIONS to my beloved St. Louis Cardinals. Just like the first round, I'm not expecting much of them in this series. As a wise philosopher once said, though, that's why they play the games, on any given day ..., etc. You know all the cliches; pick your favorite. I'm just happy the Cards won. Anything else will be gravy.

Second, I did go to Oxford for the weekend. It was homecoming weekend (though I didn't go to the game), but things didn't seem that crowded -- other than around the grove. Of course part of that might have had something to do with the fact that we were staying in someone's "weekend getaway" condo and it was within walking distance of the Oxford Square and all the downtown stuff. I'm not going to attempt to describe our lodgings. Let me just say I've seen how the other half lives -- they live much, much better than I do!

While most of you probably wouldn't be interested in the highlight of the weekend (visiting with old pal Angie and her family), there was one sort of/almost notable event. I kind of had a brush with fame when I offered to help this woman get her bicycle up on the sidewalk while holding a cup of coffee. If you know me very well it shouldn't surprise you that my attention was first drawn to the fact that she was riding a bicycle and holding a cup of coffee -- my kind of woman. Of course regular folks have trouble getting bicycles up over curbs while holding a steaming cup of joe in one hand, so I asked if she needed some help. She smiled and said, "No thank you."

Though I'd read that she was now living in Oxford, I had forgotten about it and so I didn't even realize who had spurned my offer of help. After Roger (Angie's husband) told me who it was, I wished that I had offered my help a little more strongly. The "Walter Mitty" in me quickly mapped out just how the story would have gone. Sigh, ... Oh well, I did consider stealing her bicycle (she left it unsecured on the sidewalk) and selling it on eBay. Would have shown her to turn down my assistance, huh?

Anyway, a good weekend. Now it's back to the salt mines and I'm already a ton or two behind.


At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you honestly reporting that the main thing you noticed about "this woman" was her cup of coffee? Come on, man, I thought you were talking about a "little old lady," until I looked up your link. Confess.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger St. Caffeine said...

Okay, TJ, I will "fess up". The coffee thing DID draw my attention, but even before I saw her in need of help I'd already thought, "Now there's my kind of woman."

You have to understand, though, she didn't look like a movie star. She was dressed like an "art chick" -- baggy khakis, a couple of layers of shirts, and some kind of knit hat thing. I like that look, but it wasn't a look that made me think, "Oh, there's someone famous." Of course when she spoke to me in that raspy voice, I was smitten.

So, Jeff, wanna' go to Oxford next time you're in the States?

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joey Lauren Adams might not have immediately fallen for your southern charm and rugged good looks (though I have faith that given time she will come to her senes), but a complete stranger did lay her head on your knee. The weekend wasn't a total bust as far as yourluck with women goes. At least we know your weirdo magnet still works.

At 7:16 AM, Blogger St. Caffeine said...

Yeah, Ang, but the woman who laid her head on my knee was just a tad ... Well, she just wasn't my type.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you post about the laying on of heads and I just missed it?!?

At 2:01 PM, Blogger St. Caffeine said...

No, Stella, you didn't miss it. I just chose NOT to go there. It's really a disappointing story -- given my long history of weirdo stories -- though Angie seemed to take much pleasure in it. It's nowhere near a "gun in the laundromat" story. I will admit, though, that it is rare, in my experience, for a strange woman to lay her head on my knee.

Once I tell you why she did this, though, you'll think it perfectly normal. She was demonstrating her dog's behavior.


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