Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Mystery call

I have now been in my new house almost a year. For the first several months I got a ton of phone calls for one Jessie Lockett. I don't know old Jessie (heck, I don't even know if it's a female Jessie or a male Jesse), but I got the impression he/she wasn't a solid, upright citizen. Many of the calls sounded like collection agents and for a while I was getting collect calls from a prison in south AL. Fortunately, those calls have abated.

Yesterday, though, I got a mystery call and I'm not sure if it was for me, Jessie, or some unknown third party. I got home yesterday and there was a message on my answering machine. A message! In terms of excitement, that ranks up there with getting real mail. I eagerly punched PLAY and some guy named Ray Long, at the Somerville Town Hall, told me to give him a call. That's it -- no reason for me to call, just, Give me a call." Suspecting this might be a call for Jess, I listened very closely and it really did sound as if he said my name at the beggining of the message. I couldn't be sure as it was muffled, but it really did sound like my name. Hence, I'm thinking the call might have been for me.

For those who don't know, Somerville is a tiny (pop. 350 or so) town just down the road from Decatur. As far as I know, I haven't broken any laws in Somerville and I don't think I even know anyone who lives there. So what could this be about? Regardless, I figure when the government (even a tiny one) calls, one should respond. Otherwise the jack-booted thugs might show up at the door.

This morning, after class, I did indeed try to call Mr. Ray Long. The nice woman who answered the phone told me that Mr. Long actually is the MAYOR of Somerville! Okay, now I'm really getting worried. Unfortunately, His Excellency had just stepped out to take Mrs. Mayor to the doctor. All I could do was leave my work number and ask him to call me back. I must admit that I'm officially curious.

End result -- if y'all don't hear from me for a few days, please try to raise some bail money and head on over to Somerville.

I'll let y'all know if I hear back from Mr. Mayor.


At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know those sleep Southern towns will get you everytime! Does the Sipsey run through there anywhere? When you got home from your jaunt where you missing anything that might identify you? My last question...what in the world have you been up to that would by anyway cause concern about bail money?


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