Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Monday, November 28, 2005

My family, bless their hearts

Well I survived a holiday week with all kinds of family members. First there was the immediate family, then Thanksgiving night was Ma Caffeine's family, and finally Saturday night was Pa Caffeine's bunch. Know what, they're all nuts -- in a good way.

The immediate family thing wasn't a big deal, just yummy food.

Mom's side of the family thing was fairly low key, except for the babies. I spent most of the time talking to one of my cousins and her husband about backpacking and camping. We're planning a trip for sometime. The big negative on the night, though, was the fact that almost every blasted cousin in my age range has a new baby -- one even has twins! Ma Caffeine was in heaven. She kept a baby in her lap or on her hip the whole evening. I think she switched babies periodically, but they all look alike to me (even the ones who aren't twins) so I can't be sure. Regardless, I kept sensing dirty looks from her in my direction. Sigh!

Dad's family gathering is always a hoot. First off there's just so darned many of them. He has 8 brothers and sisters and most of them have kids who have kids who ... The one noteworthy happening was that I was able to verify (so they say) that Baron's (pronounced Bay Run) wife, Theresa (pronounced TH reesa), really is the same woman he's been married to for several years. There was some question about this after the 4th of July gathering. While I agreed that she looked completely different, I felt it had to be the same woman. Alternative explanations were just too bizarre. Somehow, though, various family members got the idea that I was the one claiming it was a different woman. In reality I got into a bit of an argument with both my parents because I refused to believe Baron had a new Theresa. I spent most of the time with my cousin Rebecca who now does pottery. That's kind of neat. Oh, and I did get to listen to one cousin repeatedly complain about how difficult and unreasonable her economics class is. "All they do," she said, "is draw graphs and tell stories." I'm glad to see it's not just my students.

Well that was my holiday. Oh, I did get some new Sipsey pix, but I figure y'all have seen enough of those.


At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caff, you can always lay the "kitty-daddy" line on your mother and see if that appeases her for awhile. Second, all I could do was laugh at your cousins remark about ECN because I could just see you hang and shake your head. Face it the stories are entertaining but not very many people catch the significance right off.


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