Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Can you hear me now?

A horrible thing has happened. I'm losing my voice! Now I know the students won't be terribly upset if I can't impart my vast knowledge of microeconomics (price discriminating monopolies) and statistics (review of binomial vs. Poisson) today, but this is a bit serious. Given that I make my living by talking, what do I do if my voice conks out completely? Yes, I know it'll pass once my cold clears up, but in the meantime I'm thinking I may have to use sock puppets and pantomime to teach class. Lookout Mr. Sock, don't get crushed by that giant deadweight loss! Hey, do any of you remember the episode of Buffy where everyone in Sunnydale lost the ability to speak? Hmm, maybe I've been afflicted by a demon!

In the meantime, anyone got any happy news? I need something to cheer me up. Here's one to get things started -- cute little puppy.

Update: One of my co-worker's brought me chicken soup today since I was so pitiful yesterday afternoon. I appreciated that a bunch, but the most cheerful news of the day is that Albert won the MVP! Warning, Vol, that's baseball related.


At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caff I think you are a little delirious! You know colds have a way of doing that to some people. When you start talking to your socks we have to wonder if it is drunkness, dope (which I doubt), craziness or my personal guess delirium!

At 10:23 PM, Blogger ers said...

Hell yes Albert is God.


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