Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Full of crap

Sorry, but this bugged me all night. Yesterday I did a "why I blog" post and as I sat at home last night I came to the conclusion that St. Caffeine is full of crap. While I still believe that writing down my thoughts helps me think through some issues, that's not really why I blog. So what did I come up with as a replacement answer?

I write because I'm a word guy. Yep, I just love putting words together in sentence form. I used to keep a (sort of) daily journal, but since I've been blogging that has fallen off. So basically blogging is just a fill in for my journal keeping, but with hyperlinks and (sometimes) an audience! I hate to admit it, but the audience aspect can be seductive.

So, end result: I write because I enjoy it and the thought that someone else reads my thoughts is hard to resist. That's not as noble as yesterday's explanation, but it just bugged me all night. To borrow a word from Holden Caulfield, it seemed so phony.

Oh, The Vol Abroad tagged me in the "5 questions" game. I'll get to that this afternoon. I promise, no more philosophy or introspection for the rest of the week.


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