Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ah, memories

Here's an entertaining list of 118 sure signs you're a college student. Okay, that's not the actual title, but I like mine better. Anyway, reading over the list brought back many memories, though the list does seem to be a little more fixated with laundry than I was. I could tell my all-time favorite laundry story here, but the "goat" of that story still reads this sometimes and I don't want to cause her any unnecessary flashbacks.

I see a lot of lists like this and I usually disregard them. This one, though, had a touch of verisimilitude that made me think it was written by an actual college student rather than some older dude (like me) trying to be hip. Proof positive is my personal favorite -- item number 91:
You are no longer thankful that fire alarms are here to protect you.

This is one you couldn't fake. All these years later I wouldn't have thought to include that one, but when I saw it I was immediately taken back to the horror of the hourly hilarity that was the "Hey, let's pull the fire alarm game." I suspect you'd have to have lived in a dorm fairly recently to have nailed this one.

Anyhow, I thought it was amusing. Plus, I've got about a week of free time on my hands right now, so I've got to fill the hours somehow.


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