Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In defense of boredom

Given that I have a little time off right now, I have to figure out what to do with myself for a few days. Actually I had a startling (to me) insight on this topic the other day. I was talking to our secretary last week and I told her I'd probably see her some this week, even though we (the faculty) are not "on the clock" this week. She expressed surprise that I'd come into the office during my week off, but I told her I had some stuff I needed to get caught up on and, besides, I didn't really have anything else big to do this week. She basically said she felt really sorry for me if my life was that empty.

I've heard similar things before, but this time I realized something new. I LIKE the fact that my life is that boring. I talk to friends and co-workers who are so stressed about things they MUST get done and I figure being bored is not bad. Sure it's boring, by definition, but I'm okay with boring (for a while). No this is not one of those, "But I'd rather keep busy," issues. I like having something to occupy my time, but I really don't like having no choice about what occupies my time. If I decide to go to Huntsville one day, well I will. If I want to go geocaching one day, I can. If I want to take a road trip, well that's an option too.

Speaking of road trips, I have one in mind. If you're a frequent reader of 3rd B, you know how much I like my former hometown of Oxford, MS. I especially like Oxford when there are no students around. This week, there will be almost no students. Hence I'm thinking of loading up Lucinda (the Jeep) and taking off to Oxford. A little internet searching also verified that primitive camping is available at Puskus Lake. The only potentail holdup is the weather. Though I dig primitive camping, I'm not too keen on driving a topless Jeep around MS in the rain. The trusty Weather Channel, though, says Thursday/Thursday night/Friday might be a good time. We'll see, but it sounds fun. Right?


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