Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Gee, THAT's why ...

I don't remember where it came from, but I've always liked the line about how, despite much evidence to the contrary, "everyone thinks he takes great pictures and has a great sense of humor." I can almost always recognize the subjects of my photographs and I'd like to think that I can be witty. Everyone once in a while, though, it's good of people such as Scott Adams to remind me of what funny really is.

Two things I saw when browsing his blog today:

First, though it's been done to death, he turns in a hilarious rube in the big city story about the NYC subway system:
Second, when someone with a badge throws you on the ground, puts your arm behind your back, puts his knee on your neck, and yells, “DO NOT RESIST! DO NOT RESIST!” you should not resist. I learned this by watching. I also learned that you are not supposed to watch. You are supposed to “KEEP ON MOVING!”

See, those last two sentences. They're perfect and I'd never have come up with just that way to put it.

Second, I'm wondering whether I should use this next week when I start probability in stats. Probably not; though I honestly think it's preferable to another "10 defective parts in a shipment of 500" problem. [For the record, I use VERY INTERESTING baseball examples as often as possible.]

Finally a random note unrelated to my love for Scott Adams' humor, ... My Pandora station just played a Tom Petty song and while I didn't catch the entire lyric, I swear I heard a couplet that went, "... impress all the women, pretend I'm Sam Clemens ..." I honestly can't decide whether this is a sign of Tom's songwriting genius or dementia. Either way: WOW!


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