Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Friday, May 09, 2008

A political party for me

Scott Adams, he of Dilbert fame has an idea for a new political party: The Economics Party.

He was driven to this when he found he couldn't stomach any further idiotic pandering by the three remaining presidential candidates. The platform? It's pretty simple (at least in theory): "All we’ll do is agree to vote for the candidate with the best long term economic policy, according to the consensus of leading economists."

Though I know you're all roaring with laughter at the thought of "economic consensus," you'd be surprised at how little disagreement there is in the economic community on many of the fundamental issues. Yes there are devils in the details, but I'm fairly sure you could build an impressive consensus AGAINST rolling back the gas tax this summer, FOR dumping the massive agriculture price support system (and the idiotic corn ethanol subsidy), and FOR the currently in limbo trade pact with Colombia (though not all trade issues). These three issues came to mind simply because they are issues that clearly illustrate the pandering nature of most current pols -- even when they know the economics!

My favorite part, though, was this little quip:
The Economics Party would be committed to changing its policy recommendation whenever the facts warranted. We’re pro flip-flop when it makes sense. In other words, our brains function properly.

Amen, Mr. Adams.


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