Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Yet another sign of the apocalypse

Courtesy of Marginal Revolution, a new tool in the war on terror: musical profiling!

Harraj Mann, a British businessman of Indian origin, missed his flight at an airport in northern England when the cabbie who had driven him to the airport reported him as a security risk. What did Mr. Mann do to raise the cabbie's suspicion? He requested that the cabbie play two songs -- "London Calling" by the Clash and "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin! Evidently the cab was equipped with some device that allows a rider to plug in his MP3 player and the cabbie can play the songs over the cab's radio. Mr. Mann evidently requested those two songs and the freaking cabbie turned him in as a potential terrorist!

The article reprinted the "suspicious" lyrics, but c'mon folks! You gotta' be kidding! I'm so sure suicide bombers intent on bringing down a plane would get their last earthly kicks by jamming out to Clash and Zeppelin tunes. Does anyone think anymore or are we all just programmed to "follow procedures"? I'm sure the security official took a "better safe than sorry" view of the situation, but this just seems a bit over the top to me. Oh, here's the official police statement:
In this case the report was made with the best of intentions and we would not want to discourage people from contacting us with genuine concerns regarding security.

I'm sure Mr. Mann feels all better now. Oh, he missed his flight and took a taxi (I'm assuming a different taxi) back home.

Wait, here's another version of the story that says the guy didn't ask the cabbie for anything, he was just singing along with the songs! Surely this is just a belated April Fools joke, right? Please tell me it is.


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