Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bad start, part 2

Okay today has gone just about as badly as I'd feared.

First, talking about introductory economics for 2 hours at a stretch is not fun.

Second, the IT folks are trying to make sure I do not embrace technology. I swear they make the simplest things as difficult as possible. AFTER my orientation session, I found out that we have 2 different WebtCT sites (to correspond to the 2 different versions we are running) and each site has its own login protocol. Further, if my students login to the wrong site, they won't see my class.

Third, I want to smite "Amy", my oh so helpful customer service rep from I have ordered from Overstock in the past with no problems. On May 9th, though, I ordered a book and a CD, and the CD still has not arrived. I've already read the book, but still no tunes. There's a USPS tracking number for my CD, but the only thing it tells me is that my item left their Atlanta distribution center on May 14th. Today is the 23rd! I could have walked the CD here from Atlanta by now! I know Overstock has no control over the post office, but Amy was not being very helful. All she'd do was spout the standard line about how "media items may take from 2 to 15 days to arrive." If I have not received my item by May 31st, she said, they'd be happy to assist me then. Basically she was telling me to go away and leave her alone. I tried to make her see that there's an obvious problem since my CD left the Atlanat PO over a week ago, but she'd have none of it. I'm not to bother them again until the 31st. Oh, did I mention Amy and I were communicating via "live chat"? I hate that!

So, today has not been a stellar day. On the plus side, I did get a sort of good vibe from my face-to-face class this morning. We'll see how long it takes before that wears off.


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