Super bug :(
Tough as I am, some third world, or perhaps extraterrestrial, super bug is trying to get the better of me. It started, very subtly, Wednesday night and then got progressively worse through Saturday. Yesterday I was convinced I was on my way back to the land of the living, but then super bug struck back this morning.
Given that I was sick all weekend I wasn't really looking forward to the beginning of the work week today. Despite that, I felt okay when I got up this morning. I even managed to shave and take a shower. That, though, is when the trouble started. As I was toweling off, I suddenly got very weak and I realized if I didn't sit down very quickly I was going to fall out. I quickly got out of the shower and took a seat on the only handy sitting surface in the bathroom. Before long, though, I realized that wasn't going to do it. I needed to lie down. Lacking the strength to get to the bed, I just sprawled out on the bathroom floor. It's sort of funny now, but it was quite scary at the time.
Of course Gumbo, the demon cat, came over to "help." Her help consisted of sniffing around my head and crying "MEOW" very loudly. Though I don't believe it to be the case, I'd like to think she was concerned for my well being. In reality I figure she was just seeing if I was going to be able to feed her or whether she should start thinking about what portions of me would be most tasty. Anyway, I eventually made it to the bed and rested for 15 minutes or so. After that, I was okay. Lectures today have been interesting though. I am not the most organized lecturer on the best day, but today I have no idea where some of my tangents have been coming from. Of course some of my students probably haven't even noticed a difference. Sigh.
Regardless, I'm hoping to be back at full strength soon. If not, would someone stop by my house and make sure Gumbo isn't snacking on my incapacitated self?