Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Movie note

I joined the stampede and went to see WALL-E yesterday. Everything I'd read had been positive, but I wasn't going to be surprised if I was disappointed. Truth is, I'm just not that big of an animated movie fan. I really liked Toy Story, but I think that's just because it was so new. Last year's big hit, Ratatouille, just struck me as "blah." It was okay and I'd probably have loved it as a kid, but I just didn't see what made so many adults all excited about it.

WALL-E, though, was different. Some people are talking about the good "message" in the film, but that didn't impress me. Maybe I'm just dense, but I didn't get the sense Pixar was clubbing me over the head about pollution. I just thought that was the plot device they used to set up the story. No, what I liked was that it was a good movie. Yes the animation was stunning, but I thought it was a hilarious story. Plus, the lack of (human) dialog was kind of cool. On top of that, it was funny. I do agree with some who say this will not be a huge hit as a "kid movie." Oh, it'll do fine at the box office because the sheep will flock, but I honestly think a lot of kids will be bored with the lack of talking. As a non-kid, though, I thought it was very good and if you've got some free time over the holiday weekend, I heartily recommend it.

Okay that's it. Everyone have a happy holiday and be careful out there.


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