Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Yep, it's time, yet again, for final exams. I am knee deep in things that need to be graded and I see no end in sight. Alas, this too shall pass, I just don't know when. Actually I do. It'll all be over Friday about noon -- just in time to bottle the oatmeal stout.

So finals are seriously eating into my blogging time. Sorry about that (if any of you have missed my ramblings), but I'll point you to a couple of interesting things I've spotted recently:

Some Manhattan mansion owner has really racheted up the "holy vs. secular" Christmas debate. I'm no expert, but this seems to be a tad extreme.

I knew there was a new film incarnation of Pride and Prejudice though I wonder why anyone would do a remake after the excellent BBC version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Anyway, ... what I did not know is that there are two endings for this new version -- one for the U.S. and a "tamer" one for the UK. Jeremy Dauber has an "interview" with Jane Austen over at the Christian Science Monitor. He delves into her feelings about screen adaptations and asks about rumors of her involvement with perennial bad boy Colin Farrell. The whole thing is kind of silly, but it's funny to read interview responses in Jane Austen English.

That's all for today.


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