Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to work ... sort of

Well the Christmas break is over and now it's back to work. Actually, classes do not start until next week, but "they" decided that we needed to report back today. I've got plenty to do, though, so I really don't mind. Besides, I was about to go nuts sitting around the house all day every day. I did, though, discover what the cats do all day -- they sleep! I think Gumbo was just about ready to run me out of the house just to get some peace and quiet.

So, what did I do over break? As you know, I went camping for a couple of days. Though I did whine about the hardships endured, I enjoyed my trip. I'll post a couple of photos of my trip. First, my campsite on the first night (note the creek/river in the background):
I actually thought the second night's campsite was a little more picturesque, but none of those shots "came out". Next, a shot of a neat waterfall:

I couldn't capture it all in one shot, but there were some cool ice formations at the bottom of this fall. I think I liked this fall so much because it's a quarter mile or so "off the beaten path" so most people never see it. I still didn't make it all the way to East Bee Branch Falls, but there's always next time.

What else? Well, I did LOTS of reading. I made it all the way through The Stand and I was a tad let down. Still, I'm glad I read it, though I do think the "short" version might have been sufficient for me. Oh, I also got around to finishing up William Kennedy's "Albany Trilogy" by knocking out Ironweed. I enjoyed all three of the books, but I thought Ironweed, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, was the weakest of the three. I've felt the same way about Michael Chabon and Richard Russo as well. I guess I'm just an oddball. Go figure.

Nothing big or new to report today -- just getting back into the spirit of blogging. Oh, I did see this Top 10 List today. I don't know what it says about me that I couldn't even crack this one. Maybe the folks at Wired just don't know about me. That's got to be it, right?


At 2:48 PM, Blogger My Daily Struggles said...

The Stand. I preferred the Cliff Notes version.

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Caff. they are bound to find you out! Weirdo magnet and all. Actually the weirdo magnet thing just might be what catches their eye.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW you shouldn't need more than one pile of rocks to warm the interior of you pup tent.

At 11:27 AM, Blogger melusina said...

I guess I didn't have too many expectations of The Stand because I've never been fond of Stephen King. But the story was a compelling one and soooo many people who normally like really good books said it was "all that". I'm glad I read it, and I feel like some of the nuances that made it a bit better were possibly things that were cut out of the other version. Anyway, I concede that it is my fault you read the 1400 page version.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger St. Caffeine said...

Nah, Mel, Caffeine Brother also suggested the LONG version so you can't take all the heat. Still, as I said before, I'm glad that I did read it. Now, though, it's back to econ and stats at least for a little while.


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