Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Best paragraph(s) I've read today

Confession: I sort of stole the post title from the folks over at Marginal Revolution, but I doubt they'll prosecute -- they're libertarians after all.

I always wanted to plant allium, the large ornamental onion, and VolMom always said no. In seed catalogs, it was usually pictured in full bloom with a small, blonde child standing next to it, and the kid always a little shorter the top of the seed head. They look like big starry lollipops.

With adulthood comes responsibility, working and paying bills and stuff. But with it also comes the power of decision-making. Ice cream sandwich and a beer for breakfast? Why not. Stay up late, watch a movie full of swearing and bare breasts. I can if I feel like it. Alliums in the garden. Absolutely.

Those paragraphs are from my old high school chum, The Vol Abroad. What's special about those paragraphs? The imagery. First the big starry lollipops -- I could see them. Next the description of adulthood. Vol didn't just say, "You can eat and do what you want." No, she gave vivid, concrete examples. In addition, there are pictures of her garden and a "way cool" slate/mirror mosaic. I want to hang out in Vol's garden.

So was my mood lifted by reading such quality writing? Well maybe ... On the other hand, I was a little pissed to realize that Vol still is a better writer and has a more interesting life than I do. Those of you who know both of us likely are asking, "You just now realized that? What, are you daft?" No, I've always known that, but I could have done without the reminder.

Being totally uninspired myself, I decided to honor and mooch off a friend today. So I guess thanks are in order: Thanks Vol, just write a clunker every once in a while so I can feel better about myself. Okay?


At 2:44 AM, Blogger Vol Abroad said...

aww thanks - you can come and hang out in the garden anytime.

I wish you would come over...and see the bridges of Europe.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger St. Caffeine said...

Thanks, man, I'll be there for high tea!


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