Baseball, Books, and ... I need a third B

One guy's random thoughts on things of interest -- books, baseball, and whatever else catches my attention in today's hectic world.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Not so old

Despite yesterday's "old man" post, today I'm thinking I might NOT be 108 years old. What happened? I went to the barber shop.

I hate getting a haircut and I just want the whole thing over with as quickly as possible. That's why the barbering program here at school is such a dilemma for me. The cheap side of me LOVES the fact that I can get a $1 or $3 haircut (it depends on who is doing the charging), but the impatient side of me HATES that I may be sitting in the chair for up to 45 minutes. These folks are just learning so it takes much longer, then they have to get the teacher to inspect their work, then the teacher finds mistakes and has to give a 10 minute lecture on how the student screwed up, ... Seriously, it takes forever!

Those of you who know me well may be surprised to hear this, but the impatient side usually wins and I end up going to a local barber shop and paying NINE DOLLARS for a haircut. Anyway, that's where I was today. I hate getting my hair cut, but I love hanging out in the barber shop. There's always something going on. Today it was an old woman who had brought her approximately 45-year-old son to get his hair cut. I'm not sure why she was carting him around, but their conversation involved how much of a sumb#$%h her husband (his daddy) is. Then it was my turn.

The cut itself was nothing unusual, but I had a long conversation with the barber (a female barber at an "old man" barber shop) about what color her daddy's hair was. Then she moved on to music. Her radio was tuned to one of those oldies stations and a Beatles song came on. "Those old songs sound just as good as they used to," she said. Even though I'm not a huge Beatles fan, I agreed with her. I have a strict rule about NOT disagreeing with someone holding sharp instruments near my neck. She then moved on from the Beatles to Elvis, Sonny & Cher, etc. I kept agreeing with her, but I also wondered, "Just how old does this woman think I am?"

Evidently the same thought eventually occurred to her. She looked at me and said, "Of course you don't remember all that, do you? How old are you: 20 or 22?" I could have kissed the woman, but my sharp instrument rule applies there too. So, maybe I'm not 108! Oh, in case you're wondering, she did get a tip!


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